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The Acabado Home Page

The Acabado Home Page has distinct features that are optimized for visual appeal. To set up this Home Page follow the instructions here:

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar runs across the top of the home page. This area encompasses the menu, logo, and search feature for your site.


The Acabado menu is collapsable and rests in the top left corner of the page. Follow this tutorial to set up your menu features.


Centered at the top of the page is the logo area. If you don’t have a logo you can leave this blank or simply type in your website name. Optimal size for the logo is 480 pixels in width and between 240 and 480 pixels in height. Make sure it is sized appropriately and upload it here.

Hero Image

The Hero Image is the large focal image spanning the width of the frame directly below the logo and above the featured tiles.

Hero images should be sized exactly at 1200 pixels wide and 400 pixels high.

Feature Tiles

Featured tiles are visual blocks used to showcase specific posts or categories. You can select how many tiles show and customize where they link. Follow the instructions in this tutorial.

Upload images sized exactly at 1200 pixels wide and 800 pixels high. Compressed versions will be automatically created in Acabado.

Recent Posts

This section continually updates with the most recent posts on your site. The image to the left is the featured image from your post followed by a short except. The view post buttons appear by default.


The sidebar appears on the left of the home page. It features the About Us and Legal Disclaimers section, as well as space for ads. You can add other sections to your sidebar using the normal sidebar widget tool.

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