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Setting Up Image Optimization

There’s one key thing that Acabado doesn’t do on its own.  Image compression.

Image compression is a key element of getting unparalleled page load speeds.  And while Acabado doesn’t do it, we’ve built Acabado to integrate perfectly with one plugin that does it really well. 

ShortPixel is a free plugin that will compress all your images in multiple sizes so you can use the same image as a small thumbnail or as a full-size image and have it be optimized for each case.

Step 1: Install the ShortPixel plugin

On your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New. In the search bar on the far right type in ShortPixel. Then click “Install Now” next to the ShortPixel Image Optimizer.

Then go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click “Activate” next to the ShortPixel Image Optimizer.

Step 2: Set up ShortPixel

Once the ShortPixel plugin is activated, click on Settings > ShortPixel to get the settings page below.  For this next step, you’ll need an API key from ShortPixel. In another tab, go to the ShortPixel website and create a free account.  You’ll enter your email, agree to their terms, and they’ll give you an API key.

Then, go back to your site and enter your API key, and then continue with selecting your settings.  You can see our settings below.

Step 3: Bulk Process Images

On this screen, check the box for “Include Thumbnails” and then start the bulk optimization process.  This will optimize all images currently on your site. From now on, all images added will also be optimized when you upload them.

Note: ShortPixel is free but only for 100 images per month.  For ongoing use, that’s enough for most sites.  But if you already have a lot of images you need to optimize, you might consider a 1-time purchase of credits.  ShortPixel also has monthly plans if you’re regularly adding a lot of images.  You manage all that on the ShortPixel website.

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