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I Have a Current License, But An Error Message Says It Is Expired or Invalid

After installing Acabado I receive this message:

“IMPORTANT! Your Acabado license is expired or invalid. You are likely to run into issues with compatibility with WordPress and popular plugins if you don’t update. Update your license by logging into your account at Income School.”

I Have a Current License, Why Am I Receiving This Message?

Add Your License in Acabado

After installing Acabado, you need to go to “Acabado Manager” and enter the email address that you used to register for Acabado.  See this tutorial for full instructions. If your site doesn’t reflect the license immediately, try refreshing the page. 

Verify the Version of Acabado You Are Running

Make sure the version you are running is the latest version available. To do this Go to > Acabado Manager and look for Theme Version.

Check this against the latest version available on the Acabado Download page. If you are not running the latest version of Acabado, do a clean install on your site.

NOTE: If you are running v1.2.4, there is a bug causing the theme to present expired when it is not. Please manually update to v1.2.5 using the clean install instructions linked above.

Check With Your Host

Acabado pings our system database periodically to verify your license, however, some hosts block these sorts of pings unless you instruct them otherwise. Check out this article and contact your host.

Error processing API data.

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